$key = $this->cache->generateKey($name, $mainCls);
if (!$this->isAutoReload() || $this->isTemplateFresh($name, $this->cache->getTimestamp($key))) {
$source = null;
if (!class_exists($cls, false)) {
$source = $this->getLoader()->getSourceContext($name);
$content = $this->compileSource($source);
$this->cache->write($key, $content);
if (!class_exists($mainCls, false)) {
/* Last line of defense if either $this->bcWriteCacheFile was used,
* $this->cache is implemented as a no-op or we have a race condition
* where the cache was cleared between the above calls to write to and load from
* the cache.
if (!class_exists($cls, false)) {
throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('Failed to load Twig template "%s", index "%s": cache might be corrupted.', $name, $index), -1, $source);
// to be removed in 3.0
return $this->loadedTemplates[$cls] = new $cls($this);
* Creates a template from source.
* This method should not be used as a generic way to load templates.
* @param string $template The template name
"Method Timber\User::__toString() must return a string value"
} else {
ob_start(function () { return ''; });
try {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
return ob_get_clean();
protected function displayWithErrorHandling(array $context, array $blocks = [])
try {
$this->doDisplay($context, $blocks);
} catch (Error $e) {
if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
// this is mostly useful for \Twig\Error\LoaderError exceptions
// see \Twig\Error\LoaderError
if (-1 === $e->getTemplateLine()) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$e = new RuntimeError(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("%s").', $e->getMessage()), -1, $this->getSourceContext(), $e);
throw $e;
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"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop AG<br />\n
Theatinerstrasse 12<br />\n
80333 München<br />\n
Germany<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
1 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Österreich"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Austria GmbH<br />\n
Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
Austria<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
2 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Schweiz"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Switzerland AG<br />\n
Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
6300 Zug<br />\n
Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
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5 => WP_Term {#7756}
6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
10 => WP_Term {#7751}
11 => WP_Term {#7775}
12 => WP_Term {#7776}
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14 => WP_Term {#7650}
15 => WP_Term {#7649}
"singleArticle" => "singleArticle"
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return $this;
* Returns all blocks.
* This method is for internal use only and should never be called
* directly.
* @return array An array of blocks
public function getBlocks()
return $this->blocks;
public function display(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$this->displayWithErrorHandling($this->env->mergeGlobals($context), array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
public function render(array $context)
$level = ob_get_level();
if ($this->env->isDebug()) {
} else {
ob_start(function () { return ''; });
try {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
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"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop AG<br />\n
Theatinerstrasse 12<br />\n
80333 München<br />\n
Germany<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
1 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Österreich"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Austria GmbH<br />\n
Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
Austria<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
2 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Schweiz"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Switzerland AG<br />\n
Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
6300 Zug<br />\n
Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
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2 => WP_Term {#7759}
3 => WP_Term {#7760}
4 => WP_Term {#7757}
5 => WP_Term {#7756}
6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
10 => WP_Term {#7751}
11 => WP_Term {#7775}
12 => WP_Term {#7776}
13 => WP_Term {#7777}
14 => WP_Term {#7650}
15 => WP_Term {#7649}
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$key = $this->cache->generateKey($name, $mainCls);
if (!$this->isAutoReload() || $this->isTemplateFresh($name, $this->cache->getTimestamp($key))) {
$source = null;
if (!class_exists($cls, false)) {
$source = $this->getLoader()->getSourceContext($name);
$content = $this->compileSource($source);
$this->cache->write($key, $content);
if (!class_exists($mainCls, false)) {
/* Last line of defense if either $this->bcWriteCacheFile was used,
* $this->cache is implemented as a no-op or we have a race condition
* where the cache was cleared between the above calls to write to and load from
* the cache.
if (!class_exists($cls, false)) {
throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('Failed to load Twig template "%s", index "%s": cache might be corrupted.', $name, $index), -1, $source);
// to be removed in 3.0
return $this->loadedTemplates[$cls] = new $cls($this);
* Creates a template from source.
* This method should not be used as a generic way to load templates.
* @param string $template The template name
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"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop AG<br />\n
Theatinerstrasse 12<br />\n
80333 München<br />\n
Germany<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
1 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Österreich"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Austria GmbH<br />\n
Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
Austria<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
2 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Schweiz"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Switzerland AG<br />\n
Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
6300 Zug<br />\n
Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
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5 => WP_Term {#7756}
6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
10 => WP_Term {#7751}
11 => WP_Term {#7775}
12 => WP_Term {#7776}
13 => WP_Term {#7777}
14 => WP_Term {#7650}
15 => WP_Term {#7649}
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ob_start(function () { return ''; });
try {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
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throw $e;
return ob_get_clean();
protected function displayWithErrorHandling(array $context, array $blocks = [])
try {
$this->doDisplay($context, $blocks);
} catch (Error $e) {
if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
// this is mostly useful for \Twig\Error\LoaderError exceptions
// see \Twig\Error\LoaderError
if (-1 === $e->getTemplateLine()) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$e = new RuntimeError(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("%s").', $e->getMessage()), -1, $this->getSourceContext(), $e);
throw $e;
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"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop AG<br />\n
Theatinerstrasse 12<br />\n
80333 München<br />\n
Germany<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
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<p>Brainloop Austria GmbH<br />\n
Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
Austria<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
2 => array:2 [
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"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Switzerland AG<br />\n
Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
6300 Zug<br />\n
Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
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return $this;
* Returns all blocks.
* This method is for internal use only and should never be called
* directly.
* @return array An array of blocks
public function getBlocks()
return $this->blocks;
public function display(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$this->displayWithErrorHandling($this->env->mergeGlobals($context), array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
public function render(array $context)
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ob_start(function () { return ''; });
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Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
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+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
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<p>Brainloop Switzerland AG<br />\n
Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
6300 Zug<br />\n
Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
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6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
10 => WP_Term {#7751}
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if (!class_exists($cls, false)) {
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$content = $this->compileSource($source);
$this->cache->write($key, $content);
if (!class_exists($mainCls, false)) {
/* Last line of defense if either $this->bcWriteCacheFile was used,
* $this->cache is implemented as a no-op or we have a race condition
* where the cache was cleared between the above calls to write to and load from
* the cache.
if (!class_exists($cls, false)) {
throw new RuntimeError(sprintf('Failed to load Twig template "%s", index "%s": cache might be corrupted.', $name, $index), -1, $source);
// to be removed in 3.0
return $this->loadedTemplates[$cls] = new $cls($this);
* Creates a template from source.
* This method should not be used as a generic way to load templates.
* @param string $template The template name
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+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
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6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
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9 => WP_Term {#7752}
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throw $e;
return ob_get_clean();
protected function displayWithErrorHandling(array $context, array $blocks = [])
try {
$this->doDisplay($context, $blocks);
} catch (Error $e) {
if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
// this is mostly useful for \Twig\Error\LoaderError exceptions
// see \Twig\Error\LoaderError
if (-1 === $e->getTemplateLine()) {
throw $e;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$e = new RuntimeError(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("%s").', $e->getMessage()), -1, $this->getSourceContext(), $e);
throw $e;
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* Returns all blocks.
* This method is for internal use only and should never be called
* directly.
* @return array An array of blocks
public function getBlocks()
return $this->blocks;
public function display(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$this->displayWithErrorHandling($this->env->mergeGlobals($context), array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
public function render(array $context)
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* $this->cache is implemented as a no-op or we have a race condition
* where the cache was cleared between the above calls to write to and load from
* the cache.
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// to be removed in 3.0
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* Creates a template from source.
* This method should not be used as a generic way to load templates.
* @param string $template The template name
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// this is mostly useful for \Twig\Error\LoaderError exceptions
// see \Twig\Error\LoaderError
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$e = new RuntimeError(sprintf('An exception has been thrown during the rendering of a template ("%s").', $e->getMessage()), -1, $this->getSourceContext(), $e);
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* Returns all blocks.
* This method is for internal use only and should never be called
* directly.
* @return array An array of blocks
public function getBlocks()
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$this->displayWithErrorHandling($this->env->mergeGlobals($context), array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
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5 => WP_Term {#7756}
6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
10 => WP_Term {#7751}
11 => WP_Term {#7775}
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public function getBlocks()
return $this->blocks;
public function display(array $context, array $blocks = [])
$this->displayWithErrorHandling($this->env->mergeGlobals($context), array_merge($this->blocks, $blocks));
public function render(array $context)
$level = ob_get_level();
if ($this->env->isDebug()) {
} else {
ob_start(function () { return ''; });
try {
} catch (\Throwable $e) {
while (ob_get_level() > $level) {
throw $e;
return ob_get_clean();
protected function displayWithErrorHandling(array $context, array $blocks = [])
try {
$this->doDisplay($context, $blocks);
} catch (Error $e) {
if (!$e->getSourceContext()) {
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<p>Brainloop AG<br />\n
Theatinerstrasse 12<br />\n
80333 München<br />\n
Germany<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
1 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Österreich"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Austria GmbH<br />\n
Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
Austria<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
2 => array:2 [
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"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Switzerland AG<br />\n
Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
6300 Zug<br />\n
Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
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6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
10 => WP_Term {#7751}
11 => WP_Term {#7775}
12 => WP_Term {#7776}
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* directly (use Twig\Environment::load() instead).
* @internal
public function __construct(Environment $env, Template $template)
$this->env = $env;
$this->template = $template;
* Renders the template.
* @param array $context An array of parameters to pass to the template
public function render(array $context = []): string
// using func_get_args() allows to not expose the blocks argument
// as it should only be used by internal code
return $this->template->render($context, \func_get_args()[1] ?? []);
* Displays the template.
* @param array $context An array of parameters to pass to the template
public function display(array $context = [])
// using func_get_args() allows to not expose the blocks argument
// as it should only be used by internal code
$this->template->display($context, \func_get_args()[1] ?? []);
* Checks if a block is defined.
* @param string $name The block name
* @param array $context An array of parameters to pass to the template
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Theatinerstrasse 12<br />\n
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Germany<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
1 => array:2 [
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"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Austria GmbH<br />\n
Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
Austria<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
2 => array:2 [
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"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Switzerland AG<br />\n
Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
6300 Zug<br />\n
Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
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5 => WP_Term {#7756}
6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
10 => WP_Term {#7751}
11 => WP_Term {#7775}
12 => WP_Term {#7776}
13 => WP_Term {#7777}
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15 => WP_Term {#7649}
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$key = $this->getLoader()->getCacheKey($name).$this->optionsHash;
return $this->templateClassPrefix.hash('sha256', $key).(null === $index ? '' : '___'.$index);
* Renders a template.
* @param string|TemplateWrapper $name The template name
* @param array $context An array of parameters to pass to the template
* @return string The rendered template
* @throws LoaderError When the template cannot be found
* @throws SyntaxError When an error occurred during compilation
* @throws RuntimeError When an error occurred during rendering
public function render($name, array $context = [])
return $this->load($name)->render($context);
* Displays a template.
* @param string|TemplateWrapper $name The template name
* @param array $context An array of parameters to pass to the template
* @throws LoaderError When the template cannot be found
* @throws SyntaxError When an error occurred during compilation
* @throws RuntimeError When an error occurred during rendering
public function display($name, array $context = [])
* Loads a template.
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iteratorClass: "Timber\PostsIterator"
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<p>Brainloop AG<br />\n
Theatinerstrasse 12<br />\n
80333 München<br />\n
Germany<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
1 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Österreich"
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<p>Brainloop Austria GmbH<br />\n
Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
Austria<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
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<p>Brainloop Switzerland AG<br />\n
Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
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Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
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2 => WP_Term {#7759}
3 => WP_Term {#7760}
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5 => WP_Term {#7756}
6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
10 => WP_Term {#7751}
11 => WP_Term {#7775}
12 => WP_Term {#7776}
13 => WP_Term {#7777}
14 => WP_Term {#7650}
15 => WP_Term {#7649}
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$key = null;
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if ( false !== $expires ) {
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if ( false === $output || null === $output ) {
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if ( strlen($file) ) {
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$result = $loader->getCacheKey($file);
do_action('timber_loader_render_file', $result);
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$this->set_cache($key, $output, self::CACHEGROUP, $expires, $cache_mode);
$output = apply_filters('timber_output', $output);
return apply_filters('timber/output', $output, $data, $file);
protected function delete_cache() {
* Get first existing template.
* @param array|string $templates Name(s) of the Twig template(s) to choose from.
* @return string|bool Name of chosen template, otherwise false.
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"social_link" => "https://www.linkedin.com/company/brainloop-ag/"
"news_title" => "Newsletter"
"news_text" => "Anmelden"
"news_link" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/newsletter-anmeldung/"
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0 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop AG Zentrale"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop AG<br />\n
Theatinerstrasse 12<br />\n
80333 München<br />\n
Germany<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
1 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Österreich"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Austria GmbH<br />\n
Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
Austria<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
2 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Schweiz"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Switzerland AG<br />\n
Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
6300 Zug<br />\n
Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
"left_title" => "Unternehmen"
"center_title" => "Services"
"hs_cta_img" => array:24 [
"ID" => 1013
"id" => 1013
"title" => "Banner Blog Abo"
"filename" => "Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
"filesize" => 23063
"url" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
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"alt" => ""
"author" => "5"
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"name" => "banner-blog-abo"
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"subtype" => "png"
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"width" => 705
"height" => 994
"sizes" => array:18 [
"thumbnail" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo-150x150.png"
"thumbnail-width" => 150
"thumbnail-height" => 150
"medium" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo-213x300.png"
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"medium_large-height" => 994
"large" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
"large-width" => 705
"large-height" => 994
"1536x1536" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
"1536x1536-width" => 705
"1536x1536-height" => 994
"2048x2048" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
"2048x2048-width" => 705
"2048x2048-height" => 994
"hs_cta_link" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/blog-newsletter/"
"footer_image" => false
"read_more" => "Weiterlesen"
"post" => Post {#7727}
"postTags" => array:16 [
0 => WP_Term {#7743}
1 => WP_Term {#7744}
2 => WP_Term {#7759}
3 => WP_Term {#7760}
4 => WP_Term {#7757}
5 => WP_Term {#7756}
6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
10 => WP_Term {#7751}
11 => WP_Term {#7775}
12 => WP_Term {#7776}
13 => WP_Term {#7777}
14 => WP_Term {#7650}
15 => WP_Term {#7649}
"singleArticle" => "singleArticle"
if ( $via_render ) {
$file = apply_filters('timber_render_file', $file);
} else {
$file = apply_filters('timber_compile_file', $file);
$output = false;
if ($file !== false) {
if ( is_null($data) ) {
$data = array();
if ( $via_render ) {
$data = apply_filters('timber_render_data', $data);
} else {
$data = apply_filters('timber_compile_data', $data);
$output = $loader->render($file, $data, $expires, $cache_mode);
return $output;
* Compile a string.
* @api
* @example
* ```php
* $data = array(
* 'username' => 'Jane Doe',
* );
* $welcome = Timber::compile_string( 'Hi {{ username }}, I’m a string with a custom Twig variable', $data );
* ```
* @param string $string A string with Twig variables.
* @param array $data Optional. An array of data to use in Twig template.
array:20 [
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"body_class" => "post-template-default single single-post postid-1118 single-format-standard"
"site" => Site {#7438}
"request" => Request {#7436}
"user" => false
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"posts" => PostQuery {#7427
+found_posts: 1
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#queryIterator: QueryIterator {#7426}
#pagination: null
flag::STD_PROP_LIST: false
flag::ARRAY_AS_PROPS: false
iteratorClass: "Timber\PostsIterator"
storage: array:1 [
0 => Post {#7431}
"wp_head" => FunctionWrapper {#7425}
"wp_footer" => FunctionWrapper {#7445}
"asset_types" => array:3 [
0 => Term {#7444}
2 => Term {#7459}
3 => Term {#7457}
"categories" => array:1 [
0 => Term {#7465}
"is_home" => false
"primary_menu" => Menu {#7446}
"footer_left_menu" => Menu {#7489}
"footer_center_menu" => Menu {#7769}
"options" => array:12 [
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0 => array:2 [
"social_icon" => "youtube"
"social_link" => "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1IcHFRjhypgYcI0TbYP6gQ"
1 => array:2 [
"social_icon" => "xing"
"social_link" => "https://www.xing.com/companies/brainloopag"
2 => array:2 [
"social_icon" => "linkedin"
"social_link" => "https://www.linkedin.com/company/brainloop-ag/"
"news_title" => "Newsletter"
"news_text" => "Anmelden"
"news_link" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/newsletter-anmeldung/"
"loc_title" => "Niederlassungen"
"locations" => array:3 [
0 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop AG Zentrale"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop AG<br />\n
Theatinerstrasse 12<br />\n
80333 München<br />\n
Germany<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
1 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Österreich"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Austria GmbH<br />\n
Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
Austria<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
2 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Schweiz"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Switzerland AG<br />\n
Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
6300 Zug<br />\n
Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
"left_title" => "Unternehmen"
"center_title" => "Services"
"hs_cta_img" => array:24 [
"ID" => 1013
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"alt" => ""
"author" => "5"
"description" => ""
"caption" => ""
"name" => "banner-blog-abo"
"status" => "inherit"
"uploaded_to" => 4443
"date" => "2020-02-17 09:44:51"
"modified" => "2021-03-26 14:34:59"
"menu_order" => 0
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"subtype" => "png"
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"width" => 705
"height" => 994
"sizes" => array:18 [
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"thumbnail-width" => 150
"thumbnail-height" => 150
"medium" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo-213x300.png"
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"medium_large" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
"medium_large-width" => 705
"medium_large-height" => 994
"large" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
"large-width" => 705
"large-height" => 994
"1536x1536" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
"1536x1536-width" => 705
"1536x1536-height" => 994
"2048x2048" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
"2048x2048-width" => 705
"2048x2048-height" => 994
"hs_cta_link" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/blog-newsletter/"
"footer_image" => false
"read_more" => "Weiterlesen"
"post" => Post {#7727}
"postTags" => array:16 [
0 => WP_Term {#7743}
1 => WP_Term {#7744}
2 => WP_Term {#7759}
3 => WP_Term {#7760}
4 => WP_Term {#7757}
5 => WP_Term {#7756}
6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
10 => WP_Term {#7751}
11 => WP_Term {#7775}
12 => WP_Term {#7776}
13 => WP_Term {#7777}
14 => WP_Term {#7650}
15 => WP_Term {#7649}
"singleArticle" => "singleArticle"
$twig = $dummy_loader->get_twig();
$template = $twig->createTemplate($string);
return $template->render($data);
* Fetch function.
* @api
* @param array|string $filenames Name of the Twig file to render. If this is an array of files, Timber will
* render the first file that exists.
* @param array $data Optional. An array of data to use in Twig template.
* @param bool|int $expires Optional. In seconds. Use false to disable cache altogether. When passed an
* array, the first value is used for non-logged in visitors, the second for users.
* Default false.
* @param string $cache_mode Optional. Any of the cache mode constants defined in TimberLoader.
* @return bool|string The returned output.
public static function fetch( $filenames, $data = array(), $expires = false, $cache_mode = Loader::CACHE_USE_DEFAULT ) {
$output = self::compile($filenames, $data, $expires, $cache_mode, true);
$output = apply_filters('timber_compile_result', $output);
return $output;
* Render function.
* Passes data to a Twig file and echoes the output.
* @api
* @example
* ```php
* $context = Timber::context();
* Timber::render( 'index.twig', $context );
* ```
* @param array|string $filenames Name of the Twig file to render. If this is an array of files, Timber will
* render the first file that exists.
* @param array $data Optional. An array of data to use in Twig template.
* @param bool|int $expires Optional. In seconds. Use false to disable cache altogether. When passed an
array:20 [
"http_host" => "https://www.brainloop.com"
"wp_title" => "Die Rolle des Aufsichtsrats beim Thema Cybersecurity"
"body_class" => "post-template-default single single-post postid-1118 single-format-standard"
"site" => Site {#7438}
"request" => Request {#7436}
"user" => false
"theme" => Theme {#7434}
"posts" => PostQuery {#7427
+found_posts: 1
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#queryIterator: QueryIterator {#7426}
#pagination: null
flag::STD_PROP_LIST: false
flag::ARRAY_AS_PROPS: false
iteratorClass: "Timber\PostsIterator"
storage: array:1 [
0 => Post {#7431}
"wp_head" => FunctionWrapper {#7425}
"wp_footer" => FunctionWrapper {#7445}
"asset_types" => array:3 [
0 => Term {#7444}
2 => Term {#7459}
3 => Term {#7457}
"categories" => array:1 [
0 => Term {#7465}
"is_home" => false
"primary_menu" => Menu {#7446}
"footer_left_menu" => Menu {#7489}
"footer_center_menu" => Menu {#7769}
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"social_icon" => "youtube"
"social_link" => "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1IcHFRjhypgYcI0TbYP6gQ"
1 => array:2 [
"social_icon" => "xing"
"social_link" => "https://www.xing.com/companies/brainloopag"
2 => array:2 [
"social_icon" => "linkedin"
"social_link" => "https://www.linkedin.com/company/brainloop-ag/"
"news_title" => "Newsletter"
"news_text" => "Anmelden"
"news_link" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/newsletter-anmeldung/"
"loc_title" => "Niederlassungen"
"locations" => array:3 [
0 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop AG Zentrale"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop AG<br />\n
Theatinerstrasse 12<br />\n
80333 München<br />\n
Germany<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
1 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Österreich"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Austria GmbH<br />\n
Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
Austria<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
2 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Schweiz"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Switzerland AG<br />\n
Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
6300 Zug<br />\n
Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
"left_title" => "Unternehmen"
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"hs_cta_img" => array:24 [
"ID" => 1013
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"filesize" => 23063
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"link" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/brainloop-ix-meetingsuite-bsi-c5-zertifizierung/banner-blog-abo/"
"alt" => ""
"author" => "5"
"description" => ""
"caption" => ""
"name" => "banner-blog-abo"
"status" => "inherit"
"uploaded_to" => 4443
"date" => "2020-02-17 09:44:51"
"modified" => "2021-03-26 14:34:59"
"menu_order" => 0
"mime_type" => "image/png"
"type" => "image"
"subtype" => "png"
"icon" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-includes/images/media/default.png"
"width" => 705
"height" => 994
"sizes" => array:18 [
"thumbnail" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo-150x150.png"
"thumbnail-width" => 150
"thumbnail-height" => 150
"medium" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo-213x300.png"
"medium-width" => 213
"medium-height" => 300
"medium_large" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
"medium_large-width" => 705
"medium_large-height" => 994
"large" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
"large-width" => 705
"large-height" => 994
"1536x1536" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
"1536x1536-width" => 705
"1536x1536-height" => 994
"2048x2048" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2020/02/Banner-Blog-Abo.png"
"2048x2048-width" => 705
"2048x2048-height" => 994
"hs_cta_link" => "https://www.brainloop.com/de-de/blog-newsletter/"
"footer_image" => false
"read_more" => "Weiterlesen"
"post" => Post {#7727}
"postTags" => array:16 [
0 => WP_Term {#7743}
1 => WP_Term {#7744}
2 => WP_Term {#7759}
3 => WP_Term {#7760}
4 => WP_Term {#7757}
5 => WP_Term {#7756}
6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
10 => WP_Term {#7751}
11 => WP_Term {#7775}
12 => WP_Term {#7776}
13 => WP_Term {#7777}
14 => WP_Term {#7650}
15 => WP_Term {#7649}
"singleArticle" => "singleArticle"
* Passes data to a Twig file and echoes the output.
* @api
* @example
* ```php
* $context = Timber::context();
* Timber::render( 'index.twig', $context );
* ```
* @param array|string $filenames Name of the Twig file to render. If this is an array of files, Timber will
* render the first file that exists.
* @param array $data Optional. An array of data to use in Twig template.
* @param bool|int $expires Optional. In seconds. Use false to disable cache altogether. When passed an
* array, the first value is used for non-logged in visitors, the second for users.
* Default false.
* @param string $cache_mode Optional. Any of the cache mode constants defined in TimberLoader.
* @return bool|string The echoed output.
public static function render( $filenames, $data = array(), $expires = false, $cache_mode = Loader::CACHE_USE_DEFAULT ) {
$output = self::fetch($filenames, $data, $expires, $cache_mode);
echo $output;
return $output;
* Render a string with Twig variables.
* @api
* @example
* ```php
* $data = array(
* 'username' => 'Jane Doe',
* );
* Timber::render_string( 'Hi {{ username }}, I’m a string with a custom Twig variable', $data );
* ```
* @param string $string A string with Twig variables.
* @param array $data An array of data to use in Twig template.
* @return bool|string
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"wp_title" => "Die Rolle des Aufsichtsrats beim Thema Cybersecurity"
"body_class" => "post-template-default single single-post postid-1118 single-format-standard"
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"theme" => Theme {#7434}
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flag::STD_PROP_LIST: false
flag::ARRAY_AS_PROPS: false
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"wp_footer" => FunctionWrapper {#7445}
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3 => Term {#7457}
"categories" => array:1 [
0 => Term {#7465}
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"footer_center_menu" => Menu {#7769}
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"social_icon" => "youtube"
"social_link" => "https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC1IcHFRjhypgYcI0TbYP6gQ"
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<p>Brainloop AG<br />\n
Theatinerstrasse 12<br />\n
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Germany<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
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<p>Brainloop Austria GmbH<br />\n
Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
Austria<br />\n
+49 (0) 89 444 699 0</p>\n
2 => array:2 [
"loc_name" => "Brainloop Schweiz"
"loc_address" => """
<p>Brainloop Switzerland AG<br />\n
Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
6300 Zug<br />\n
Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
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"description" => ""
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"name" => "banner-blog-abo"
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6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
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11 => WP_Term {#7775}
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Ausstellungsstraße 50 /C /2 OG.<br />\n
1020 Wien<br />\n
Austria<br />\n
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Gotthardstrasse 30<br />\n
6300 Zug<br />\n
Switzerland<br />\n
+41 (0) 41 710 39 71</p>\n
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3 => WP_Term {#7760}
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5 => WP_Term {#7756}
6 => WP_Term {#7755}
7 => WP_Term {#7754}
8 => WP_Term {#7753}
9 => WP_Term {#7752}
10 => WP_Term {#7751}
11 => WP_Term {#7775}
12 => WP_Term {#7776}
13 => WP_Term {#7777}
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if ( ! $template ) {
$template = get_index_template();
* Filters the path of the current template before including it.
* @since 3.0.0
* @param string $template The path of the template to include.
$template = apply_filters( 'template_include', $template );
if ( $template ) {
include $template;
} elseif ( current_user_can( 'switch_themes' ) ) {
$theme = wp_get_theme();
if ( $theme->errors() ) {
wp_die( $theme->errors() );
* Loads the WordPress environment and template.
* @package WordPress
if ( ! isset( $wp_did_header ) ) {
$wp_did_header = true;
// Load the WordPress library.
require_once __DIR__ . '/wp-load.php';
// Set up the WordPress query.
// Load the theme template.
require_once ABSPATH . WPINC . '/template-loader.php';
* Front to the WordPress application. This file doesn't do anything, but loads
* wp-blog-header.php which does and tells WordPress to load the theme.
* @package WordPress
* Tells WordPress to load the WordPress theme and output it.
* @var bool
define( 'WP_USE_THEMES', true );
/** Loads the WordPress Environment and Template */
require __DIR__ . '/wp-blog-header.php';